Friday, January 30, 2009

Fw: Casino Survey

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From: Robb Pitts
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 17:08:08 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Casino Survey

Is Georgia ready for casino gaming?

With state and local governments facing declining revenues and increasing demands, the time is right to identify alternate sources of funding.  Casino gaming offers an opportunity to increase tax revenue, create jobs, and strengthen Georgia’s tourism industry.

In order to bring casino gaming to Georgia, the General Assembly would need to call for a referendum on casino gaming.  A similar referendum took place prior to the creation of the Georgia Lottery in 1993.  That successful program has generated $10.3 billion and has provided more than one million college scholarships and offered a head start in education to more than 940,000 pre-k students.

Is Georgia ready for casino gaming?  We want to know what you think.  Please take a moment to complete this brief four-question survey.  Your response is confidential.  We estimate that the survey can be completed in 90 seconds or less.

Thank you for your time and participation in this survey.

Click HERE to take the survey.

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Real Estate News in Atlanta!

Rebuilding Your Credit!

{{Potd/2008-03-06 (en)}}Image via Wikipedia

Credit is an issue we all face from time to time, most of us learned about it in college when Credit Cards, just used to show up at our door, if we only knew then what we know now. They key for us all is to understand that Credit Counseling is something that everyone goes through and running away from the problem will just put you in a worse situation. They understand that late payments, and bills just seemed to come out of nowhere and engulf you with stress. Think about Debt Consolidation, it will take discipline and not buying those shoes, hat, car, clothes, but just think , it will enable you to live stress free and as they say there is no price that can compare to PEACE Of MIND!
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I found this fascinating quote today:

By Brenda LengelThe bill consolidation goal is for you to become debt free. In order to achieve this goal, you can consolidate all of your credit card bills and unsecured loans into one account. Each month you will make just one repayment to repay multiple debts. With bill consolidation you eliminate high interest rates and fees, and put an end to the collection calls. You will have a clearer picture of your income and expenses required for each month and this will help you manage your finances more (Steven Ziszou), Bill Consolidation...Say Hello To Debt Free Living, Jan 2009

You should read the whole article.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

As we begin the New Year I encourage us all to let optimism guide your day. Despite the media reports the past year in real estate has been remarkably opportunistic and will continue to be in 2009. As provided by the November issue of Georgia Trend magazine “Georgia’s prolonged and severe housing downturn has nearly run its course. Sales of new homes will bottom out in the final quarter of 2008, and sales of existing homes will bottom in the first quarter of 2009. New home sales will lead the turnaround because builders have been quicker to cut prices than homeowners. Spending on new residential construction will rise in the second, third and fourth quarters of full article” I have been blessed to have been a part of many success stories in the past year , a first time home buyer, opening a new photo studio, a new business, a home saved from foreclosure, land acquisition for a new development just highlight a few but none would have been possible without you. Let me highlight some of the great opportunities the world of real estate has provided us so that we can help you achieve your goals for 2009…

FHA Rates as low as 4.25%

· $100 down payments on HUD Homes

· 203k Rehab Loans (for HUD Homes)

· $7500.00 Tax Credit if you own a home before July 1, 2009

· 100% Loan Products

· Georgia Dream Program

· Great and Affordable Downtown and Suburb Living

· Home Scouting Report

· Credit Repair Programs


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