Tuesday, May 12, 2009
“Your Circle of Success Real Estate Radio” on BlogTalkRadio, a new medium for real estate , business and life.
My name is LaMar Campbell and I am the host of a live Internet broadcast show called “Your Circle of Success Real Estate Radio” on BlogTalkRadio. My show brings together real estate , business & life with national & local officials , business leaders and entrepreneurs who come “on air” to talk about the real estate industry , business, investing and philanthropy.
--A native of Chester, Pennsylvania, a suburban city based outside of Philadelphia LaMar was raised in a blue collar city and learned at a young age the benefits of being a relentless worker. Educated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison LaMar attended school on an athletic scholarship and after graduation with a degree in World History he furthered his post-collegiate career on the gridirons of the National Football League. During this period LaMar became an investor and fell in love with the aspect of real estate and obtained his license . After his retirement from the NFL LaMar continued his Real Estate Education at the prestigious Wharton School of Business where he earned a Executive Degree in Real Estate Development. Today he continues with this drive and dedication during his daily work as your Real Estate Professional.
BlogTalkRadio is a new medium, and an outlet for you, your clients and their interests. We’re all looking for unique, credible approaches to joining the online conversation. My show on BlogTalkRadio is that innovative approach. Publishers Weekly has recognized BlogTalkRadio as a legitimate promotional tool in “Blog Radio Site Draws Authors” (http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6515080.html).
Noted guests on the BlogTalkRadio network include Tanya Blanchard More can be found at the Best of BlogTalkRadio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ycosrealestate
Archives of my show are found on my profile page www.blogtalkradio.com/ycosrealestate along with a call-in number and text chat room. Archives of my show can also be heard on my Facebook profile (www.facebook.com/lamarcampbell), MySpace page (www.myspace.com/yourcircleofsuccess) and blog (http://thesuccessofrealestate.blogspot.com). Feel free to visit my profile page to learn more about my show.
BlogTalkRadio has been featured on ABC News:
http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=4546597 The Washington Post:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/23/AR2008032301719.html TheStreet.com:
http://www.thestreet.com/video/10410840/index.html?puc=lhhome#10410840 Portfolio Magazine:
Please feel free to contact me for more information or to inquire about booking a guest on my show.
LaMar C Campbell
(678) 886-0874
Is great that you are doing this event ! Will try to listen to it in the future. I really admire and respect those of us in the real estate industry that are thinking outside the box so congrats ! We love to network with those forward thinkers.
I found your blog through one of my google alerts for Philadelphia as we have a Philly real estate blog: